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Mom’s Rising
Mom’s Rising poster
Released Fri 9 Aug, 2024
Studio:Nu Metro Cinemas exhibits own acquisition.Nu Metro Cinemas
Running time:95 (1h35')
Age restriction:13

Mom's Rising is a feature-length Docudrama profiling the transformational power of extraordinary women who have emerged from the soul of Motherhood. The film profiles truly extraordinary Moms who somehow, someway created their own internal transformation. They took the skills they learned while raising their children and turned those nurturing impulses on
themselves. And in the process they recreated who they are from the ground up.

Genre: Documentary, Drama
Cast: Lerato Sithole, Treisa Gary, Natasha Blasick, Allison Chin, Sarah Lilly
Directed by: Scott Cervine
Screenplay: Cynthia Whitcomb
Produced by: Scott Cervine, Andrew Graham
Language: English
Country / Year: United States,  2023

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From the creators of 'Think and Grow Rich The Movie' comes 'Mom's Rising' an extraordinary new film of discovery, celebration, and transformation.