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The Fabulous Four
Fabulous Four, The poster
Released Fri 26 Jul, 2024
Studio:Filmfinity distributes own commercialIndie by Filmfinity
Running time:96 (1h36')
Age restriction:16 D L N P

Two life-long friends travel to Key West to be bridesmaids in a surprise wedding of their college girlfriend Marilyn. When there, sisterhoods are rekindled, the past rises up, and sparks, drinks and romance fly.

Genre: Comedy
Cast: Susan Sarandon, Bette Midler, Megan Mullally, Sheryl Lee Ralph
Directed by: Jocelyn Moorhouse
Produced by: Richard B. Lewis, Lauren Hantz
Language: English
Country / Year: United States,  2024

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The Fabulous Four is an upcoming American comedy film directed by Jocelyn Moorhouse and written by Ann Marie Allison and Jenna Milly. It stars Susan Sarandon, Bette Midler, Megan Mullally and Sheryl Lee Ralph.