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Broken Promises 5
Broken Promises 5 poster
Released Fri 6 Sep, 2024
Running time:132 (2h12')
Age restriction:16 D L P V

Natalie has to contend with moving on with her life after leaving her abusive boyfriend of 5 years. Her only hope is another GBV victim, Mandoza. They initially start a love-hate relationship, which quickly turns to a fiery attraction, and will also have to contend with the jealous and violent ex-boyfriend Lewellyn. Lewellyn will do anything to get Natalie back so she can pay for his lifestyle. Can Natalie really cut ties with a monster like him?

Genre: Comedy
Cast: Theshan Naicker, Jenell Moonsamy, Nataniel Singh
Directed by: Kumaran Naidu
Language: English
Country / Year: South Africa,  2024

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