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Greytown Girl
Greytown Girl poster
Released Fri 13 Sep, 2024
Running time:
Age restriction:TBC
‘Greytown Girl’ landscape poster

Meena walked and talked differently, so they tried to hide her, but her determination to Live and Love, transformed her, and all those who knew her.

Greytown Girl is initially set in 1960s Apartheid South Africa and builds up to the liberation of the nation as well as Meena's self-realisation and self-love. The intimate story is punctuated by South Africa's climax as a democracy which underpins the narrative with a distinct layer.

Genre: Drama, Romance
Cast: Rahul Rai, Emmanuel Castis, Shaleeni Ranchhod, Jack Devnarain, Asgar Mahomed
Directed by: Darrell Roodt
Language: English
Country / Year: South Africa,  2024

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The film, written by Rani Sitaram and Rose Cortes, will be directed by Darrell Roodt. Roodt's film Yesterday was nominated Best Foreign Language Film of the Year at the 2005 Academy Awards. He also directed the iconic Sarafina! starring Whoopi Goldberg.