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Old Righteous Blues
Old Righteous Blues poster
Released Fri 20 Sep, 2024
Distributor:Indigenous Film DistributionIndigenous Film Distribution
Running time:99 (1h39')
Age restriction:10–12PG L V

A young man is forced to confront his limitations, face the ghosts of the past and rise above establishment constraints to unite a fractured community and realise his life-long dream of leading his town’s Christmas Choir Band (Kerskoor) to its former glory. However, he is to pay the price for the path his father chose twenty years ago, which split the fabulous Old Righteous Blues Kerskoor in two and fractured the community. For the next twenty years, pitched street battles raged, loyalties were tested, families were divided, and the two rival bands marched defiantly under their own banner, each claiming ownership of the town’s Kerskoor, with devastating and violent consequences for the community.

This movie is in Afrikaans with English subtitles.

Genre: Drama
Cast: Ayden Croy, Joshwin Dyson, Megan Saayman, Simon Bruinders, Kevin Smith, Euodia Samson, Stefan Erasmus
Directed by: Muneera Sallies
Music: Edward George King
Produced by: Dumi Gumbi, Cati Weinek, Carol Shore
Language: Afrikaans
Subtitles: English
Country / Year: South Africa,  2024

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kykNET Films in collaboration with The Department of Trade, Industry and Competition, The National Film and Video Foundation of South Africa, Indigenous Film, Seashore Films and The Ergo Company presents Old Righteous Blues, directed by Muneera Sallies.