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Here poster
Released Fri 6 Dec, 2024
Distributor:Empire EntertainmentEmpire Entertainment
Studio:Empire Entertainment distributes own acquisitionIndie by Empire
Running time:104 (1h44')
Age restriction:13 L

A generational story about families and the special place they inhabit, sharing in love, loss, laughter, and life.

Based on ‘Here’ (Novel) by Richard McGuire.

Genre: Drama
Cast: Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Paul Bettany, Kelly Reilly
Directed by: Robert Zemeckis
Screenplay: Eric Roth, Robert Zemeckis
Music: Alan Silvestri
Produced by: Robert Zemeckis, Jack Rapke, Derek Hogue, Bill Block
Language: English
Country / Year: United States,  2024

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Here is a 2024 American drama film produced and directed by Robert Zemeckis, who co-wrote the screenplay with Eric Roth, based on the 2014 graphic novel by Richard McGuire.