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Highway Sheila: Resurrection (Director’s Cut)
Highway Sheila: Resurrection (Director’s Cut) poster
Released Fri 6 Dec, 2024
Running time:126 (2h06')
Age restriction:16 D L SV V
‘Highway Sheila: Resurrection (Director’s Cut)’ landscape poster

She will find you.

After a family's 40-year quest to find their daughter's killer seems hopeless, a priest connects with her restless spirit on the highway where she died in 1983, setting in motion a chilling investigation aided by two determined detectives.

Genre: Thriller
Cast: Arish Sirkissoon, Caitlyn Naicker, Shoreek Sheoratan
Directed by: Arish Sirkissoon
Music: Arish Sirkissoon
Produced by: Raj Singh, Arish Sirkissoon
Language: English
Country / Year: South Africa,  2024

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Directed and penned by Arish Sirkissoon, the film marks a departure from his previous high-octane horror flicks. Sirkissoon’s meticulous attention to detail and narrative manipulation ensures a mesmerising climax that will leave audiences breathless. Dr Raj Singh, the executive producer, brings a unique perspective, infusing exceptional quality into the film.